Case Studies

Hi, I'm Z.

Web3 Operator & Contributor since 2017

APWine -> Spectra Rebranding


  • Organized Twitter Spaces with influencers [DeFi Dad & Kris Kay]
  • Created and tailored long-format guides for specific audiences [Example ArticleTeaser]
  • Organized community activities: Swag Contest, Crew3, Event tickets, Swag Contest #2
  • Teased new products [Example 1]
  • Designed feature explainers [Example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  • Celebrated protocol milestones [Example 1]
  • Published and designed governance reminders [Example 1, 2, 3]
  • Published long-format announcements – targeting each counterparty individually for increased exposure [Example 1, 2, 3]
  • Explained complex DeFi designs in a simple manner [Example 1, 2, 3]
  • Organized Twitter Spaces with Arbitrum & directed the works on this NFT



  • Shared growth highlights via Dune Analytics: [Example 1]


  • Wrote the whole user documentation, covering protocol overview, primitives, use cases and examples, app-help pages


  • Supported the team with UI mockups and iterations
  • Set the tone for announcement & feature graphics



  • Numerous brainstorming sessions with full stack and solidity devs on the platform’s mechanics, implementations and working hand-in-hand to turn all that into reality

Marketing/Comms (only with a simple landing page)

  • Gained 500 users on the Beta waitlist in a span of 2 weeks
  • Gained over 500 organic Twitter followers in one month
  • Gained over 200 Discord users 


  • Creating and designing the user interface with Figma
  • Designing the front-page


Created and ran the most popular community and Twitter account dashboard bntlove 


  • Created and led works for the Bancor3 PFP page, where users were able to convert their Twitter PFPs into Bancor3-themed PFP -> used by 100s of Bancor users
  • Gathered and kept track of DAO deposits to Bancor -> visited by 100s of Bancor users
  • Gathered and displayed top endorsing tweets about Bancor on a page called ‘Wall of Love’ and allowed users to submit their own for exposure  of their Twitter accounts -> received organic tweet submissions from Bancor users who created twitter content and wanted bntlove to give it more exposure





  • Sketched & directed the promo video which took 6 months to finalize
  • Designed and coordinated works on the new homepage


  • Pioneered works on any-token-deposit deposit and withdraw modules in yield aggregator’s sector (2 months of R&D with Wido Labs)
  • Designed Beginner’s section for Harvest
  • Designed a whole new Harvest platform from scratch in Figma for Homepage full of farms, single farm page containing (interactive charts, deposit module, farm info, rewards box, historical data), Portfolio, Analytics & FAQ – both for desktop and mobile devices in both white & dark mode [before : after]


  • Directed a team of 4, including writers and a designer
  • Handled editing and proofing for over 930 Web3/DeFi articles, ensuring their accuracy with the covered project’s documentation
  • Focused on technical aspects of crypto: updates, tokenomics, DeFi guides, and product reviews
  • Authored 25+ articles on Ampleforth alone and launched the first dedicated AMPL Twitter documentation.
  • Delivered project overview for the whole Top200 cryptocurrencies 
  • Achieved 1.4M+ Twitter impressions for one client by producing and sharing content on Twitter about them
  • Left a lucrative job to become a crypto writer for (once a TOP10 global crypto news site).
  • Achieved top Google News rankings for high-competition keywords like Bitcoin and Ripple.
  • Promoted to Head of News, leading 5 writers and a graphic designer.
  • Handled over 1150 pieces of crypto news including updates, stories, and PRs.
  • Secured and conducted a one-on-one interview with Kris Marszalek, CEO of, at their Hong Kong HQ.
  • One story ranked #1 on global Google news for “Bitcoin” for approximately 24 hours.
  • Boosted website traffic by 3x in just four months without additional staff.

Mistakes & Lessons Learned

  • After producing over 2000 tweets for clients in both bull and bear, I learned what works and most importantly, what doesn’t work, what works if you seek short-term engagement, what works if you seek long-term investors and long-term stakeholders, the language in comms to avoid so that they don’t throw tomatoes your way
  • After writing over 200 pieces of comms content (and that’s before chat gpt!) I learned the hard way that the community keeps an eye on virtually every word you say and will hold you and your project accountable until it’s done/explained/launched – with these lessons, I am careful not to overhype things, triple-check with the team on realistic product delivery timeframes or ensure the comms don’t actually front-run the news or overpromise
  • Carefully choosing partners for AMAs/Collabs etc. – ensuring that any interaction between an external project and the one I contribute to doesn’t send negative signals to long-term stakeholders and users. Some of the red flags of counterparties I keep an eye on; heavy airdrop buzz, inflated social or on-chain stats, cocky founders, twisted or half-true data in their comms, or suspicious Twitter personas talking about the project (probably undisclosed, paid shills). I learned the hard way after a few of them rug pulled and it backfired. 
  • There’s ofc more, to be added later

Favorite quotes & mantras

  • you cannot fork the ability to innovate
  • as a ‘CEO’ anything that goes wrong at your company is ultimately your fault
  • progress > wealth
  • The only way to grow as a person is to take accountability for your actions


Committed to building a better Web called 3.0 since 2017. At the intersection of marketing, comms, design and UX/UI. Supporting decentralized projects and relayers. Open to chat.

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